Flash 10 在 linux 系统无法输入中文解决方案 (scim)

将 /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules 中


"scim" "SCIM Input Method" "scim" "/usr/share/locale" "ja:ko:zh”




1. scim 不跟随光标。

Category: 工具文/实用文 | Tags: flash scim linux chinese | Read Count: 6631
allarem 说:
Jun 26, 2009 05:17:58 AM 没想到初中孩子开始接触linux了,不错不错 /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/default # # This configuration provides default IM setting (user edittable) # See im-switch(8) and /usr/share/doc/im-switch/README.Debian . # # Define IM for traditional X application with XIM # # XIM server name used for XMODIFIERS="@im=$XIM" # XIM program /path/filename # XIM program command line arguments # # These were traditional setting before uim and scim for CJK languages # Language LC_CTYPE XIM server XMODIFIERS Start key # Japanese ja_JP* kinput2 "@im=kinput2" Shift-Space # Korean ko_KR* ami "@im=Ami" Shift-Space # Chinese(T) zh_TW.Big5 xcin "@im=xcin-zh_TW.big5" Ctrl-Space # Chinese(S) zh_CN.GB2312 xcin "@im=xcin-zh_CN.GB2312" Ctrl-Space # XIM= XIM_PROGRAM= XIM_ARGS= XIM_PROGRAM_XTRA= # Set following variable to non-zero string if program set itself as deamon XIM_PROGRAM_SETS_ITSELF_AS_DAEMON= # # Define GTK and QT IM module # They may or may not be using xim as the IM. # GTK_IM_MODULE= QT_IM_MODULE= # # Define lists of packages neded for above IM to function # DEPENDS= # # Define X start up hook script to update IM environment # __________ GTK_IM_MODULE=SCIM QT_IM_MODULE=SCIM —————— 据说有效……我用Xubuntu的,一切正常 —————— 怎么评论没发发送?还是我点了太多?
BYVoid 说:
Aug 13, 2010 06:25:55 AM


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